Outfits with Accessories
Accessories Can Make or Break an Outfit and the Impression You Create
There are many occasions when it is important for both men and women to create the right impression and part of doing so is about having the correct outfit for the situation. Most people will choose the outfit with the occasion in mind, whether it is a wedding, a celebration or a job interview and whatever their personal style the tendency would be to choose more sober and conventional clothes for, say, an important job interview than would be appropriate for a party.
The next step is making sure it fits correctly when it matters, particularly if buying off the peg because very few people will have the exact dimensions for the manufacturer’s standardised range of sizes. Almost certainly there will be details that will need professional alteration by an experienced dressmaker or tailor for the wearer feel absolutely confident when it matters. Many of them also offer advice and guidance on accessorising.
Body frame, height and type as well as colouring are all considerations when choosing a suit or dress and the outfit should accentuate one’s good points. The same also applies to choosing accessories and the occasion and body type are important here too because too much clutter or the wrong type of shoes, bag or jewellery can completely ruin the impression. It would perhaps not be wise, for example, for a man attending an important meeting where he is hoping to develop his career to pick a loud, flashy tie or one with a cartoon design if the environment he is in is formal and dignified.
On the other hand, in more creative environments it may be acceptable to demonstrate a degree of individual personality and style and a lot can be gleaned by checking out what others in the same situation are wearing. Even here, however, the advice is when attending an interview to play it down and wait to express more individuality until the job is safely secured.
It is all about balance, so a degree of restraint may be needed with accessories and choosing the focal points to emphasise, which should be your best features. Too many accessories can be seen as overdone or inappropriate. Too few can result in a drab or uninteresting look and generally there should be no more than three focal points.
There are times when fewer may work better for a particular outfit or occasion and the general advice is in doubt don't wear it. Consider the occasion and choose accordingly. An interview appearance will need to convey neatness, organisation and efficiency, so too much exaggerated jewellery or over-large and complicated bags or shoes might ruin the effect.
For anyone who doubts their own judgement the advice of an expert in alterations when attending a fitting may be the perfect time to get a second opinion. Your alterations expert is seeing you in the outfit you plan to wear and is likely to be more objective about what shoes, ties, scarves, bags and jewellery will work best for your body, the outfit and the situation.
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