Regardless of the quality of your attire or the brands which they hail from the key element of any good outfit for a man or a woman is how it fits the person wearing it. We have been providing an alterations service for over 30 years and have seen it all. Whether you require some last minute bridesmaid dress alterations or something as simple as a zipper repaired, we have the expertise to help you on your way to an idealic wardrobe.
A dress is the perfect item of clothing to illustrate the point where the fitting is important. Don't let a lose strap or a broken strap spoil your outfit, you'll be surprised at what a difference a few simple alterations can make. Whether it's a luxurious evening dress or one which just has centimental value, you can trust our master seamstresses to ensure it's a well fitted one. For a full list of potential alteraitons, prices or to book an appointment visi tour
dress alterations page.

For the men out there, which more integral peice of clothing can there be to a classy mans wardrobe than a well-fitted shirt. A plain unbranded shirt will offer a comfortable fit and the perception of style and class more so than any luxury brand one which is fitted not quite right. Our bodies are ever fluctuating in size and because of this we always recommend having oyur favourite shirt re-fitted, with a few alterations we can have your shirt fitting like it was inteded to once more. Visit our
shirt alterations page for more information or to book an appointment.
We offer an
alterations service for all kinds of different garments, from kilts and coats to celebrity ball gowns, we've altered it all. Contact us today to arrange a free fitting or consultation with one of our tailors today.