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Don't settle for anything less than perfection

bridesmaid dress alterations

Most items of clothing you pick up off a rack in a store will more than likely not fit you in one way or another due to standards in sizing which only fit a small minority of people perfectly. However, this doesn’t mean you must settle on clothing forever not quite fitting correctly in one way or another, with a few alterations we can transform any item of clothing to match your physique to perfection.  


It’s more than likely that most of us have a wardrobe full of off the rack standardised sized clothing, and although this might be because altering might not be viable for every item of clothing we own exceptions should be made for some attire. This goes especially for weddings where aesthetically expectations are at their utmost. If you have a wedding fast approaching and are looking for bridesmaid dress alterations look no further. With over 30 years of experience our team of tailors are more than capable of taking your dress and altering it to perfection. Not only can we adjust, we can restyle elements, and even safeguard your garment until the event date as a preventative measure against any mishaps. 


Post-wedding why not transform your bridesmaid dress into an evening gown or a high-end dress for special occasions. This is a very popular choice by many celebrities, but that doesn’t mean it comes with a celebrity sized price tag. Our seamstresses are more than happy to discuss options with you and work tirelessly to ensure you are happy with the end-results. We are highly regarded for our attention to details overlooked by others and our excellent customer service in this area. Options and more details are listed on our dress alterations page. 

shirt alterations

For most men, the shirt is an integral part of many outfits, from casual day wear to more formal events making it one to ensure is fitting as best it can be.  If you don’t like the fit of your shirt you are not alone, most men are unhappy with this, however there are many alterations we can perform to solve this problem. Even if just one area of the shirt isn’t fitting correctly it hampers the image of the whole garment. Why not book a slot to be measured by one of our tailors and discuss possible alterations, or for more information see our shirt alterations page. 


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What are the alterations everyone’s having?
From Alterations to the Alter

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