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Alterations for the short(er) man

jeans hem sqz

All in all, if you’re a short man it can be a difficult task to find a pair of jeans which fit well and compliment your figure. Very few manufacturers cater for the shorter man with the average production size standing at 30” in leg length. Thankfully we have you cohered, with the assistance of our tailors with our Jeans Alterations service, we can alter to a length which fit like intended.

shirt alter

The same can be the case for finding a well fitted shirt. We often find that most shirts being intended to fitter a longer bodied man, this can leave a shirt with a baggy fit, arms which are too long and a shirt which simply doesn’t compliment the figure. Basic alterations can go a long way. If you want to know what’s possible in terms of alterations, Check out our Shirt Alterations service.

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Our Zip Repairs service is a great way of extending the lifespan of items of clothing which have a broken zip which often end up being thrown out. Make sure not to throw away your zips head if broken off, bring it with you. Sometimes we find that it isn’t necessary to replace the zip. Sometimes a repair is all that is needed to bring function back to the zip.

Whether it be a leather jacket, gloves or even leather trousers they can be something of a rarity to come by in the right style and fit intended for your figure. With this being the case it can be imperitive to extend the lifespan of these garments as far a s possiblem. Why not contact our tailors and see what can be done to extend the lifespan of your leather item, you’ll be surprised with the amount of Leather Alterations which can be done.

leather repair and alteration


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